All About Animals

There are activities throughout the week such as Barrel Racing, Team Roping, Gymkhana, and More! Check out the schedules here!


What is Gymkhana?

Gymkhana is an equestrian event

consisting of speed pattern racing

and timed games for riders

on horses.

Come out to our Rodeo Arena to experience and join in on the fun!

For more information visit our website

Upcoming Gymkhana Dates

2025 Show Dates
Saturday January 4
Sunday January 5
Saturday February 1
Saturday March 1
Saturday April 5
Saturday April 26

Jr. Livestock



DO NOT MAKE RV PARK RESERVATIONS ONLINE call the fair office (760)375-8000 MON-FRI 10AM-3PM

  • As in previous years all junior livestock RVs and campers will be in the designated lot with access to WIFI, Restrooms with showers, and complimentary sewage dump at the end of their stay. No Junior Livestock is permitted inside the RV park (unless special accommodations were made with the Desert Empire Fair staff). 
  • If you've already made your reservation online it will be moved and we will be contacting you about your reservation

 We are pleased to announce the 2024 Livestock Team. 

Kalie Keenan is the returning Livestock Chairman/Superintendent, who grew up showing at the Desert Empire Fair and is excited to give back to this show.  Kalie is teamed up with Matt Simons, who is serving as the Co-Chairman, and has been an invaluable volunteer for the past few years.  Both are local Ridgecrest residents.  On the committee this year and bringing their vast knowledge of livestock showing and husbandry is Shana Williams and Shurie Amick; both from Bakersfield, CA.

The 2024 Livestock Fair Catalog/Guidebook and entry forms have been posted. Please see them attached.

Thank you for your patience. 

Beef classes are still limited and on a first come, first basis.  If you are interested in showing a Steer or Calf please email us asap.

The 2024 State Rules for Fairs are now available and found below, please read the State Rules and all the Addendums.

2024 Sponsor Forms are now available below.  We appreciate any and all sponsors.  If you can sponsor please download the form below and mail in your sponsorship.

Thank you for your continued support of the Desert Empire Fair Junior Livestock Show and we look forward to seeing you in October. 

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